퍼스널 트레이너가 되는법 / 7 Step Guide to Becoming a Personal Trainer 본문
퍼스널 트레이너가 되는법 / 7 Step Guide to Becoming a Personal Trainer
주식스터디주식스터디 2015. 10. 5. 22:05©2014 American Fitness Professionals & Associates Inc. | This document contains proprietary information and cannot be disclosed in whole or part without express written consent of AFPA Inc. ©2014.
afpa@afpafitness.com 1.800.494.7782 1601 Long Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 214, Ship Bottom NJ, 08008
7 Step Guide
to Becoming a
Personal Trainer
©2014 American Fitness Professionals & Associates Inc. | This document contains proprietary information and cannot be disclosed in whole or part without express written consent of AFPA Inc. ©2014.
afpa@afpafitness.com 1.800.494.7782 1601 Long Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 214, Ship Bottom NJ, 08008
Table of Contents
1 Establish Your Goals and Objectives
2 Consider Hiring Your Own Personal Trainer
3 Find a Place to Get Certified
4 Prepare a Résumé
5 Develop Relationships
6 Find The Best Fit
7 Master the Consultation
©2014 American Fitness Professionals & Associates Inc. | This document contains proprietary information and cannot be disclosed in whole or part without express written consent of AFPA Inc. ©2014.
afpa@afpafitness.com 1.800.494.7782 1601 Long Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 214, Ship Bottom NJ, 08008
Have you been dreaming about a career in fitness but are not sure
where to start? Or are you in the market for a more fulfilling career but
you are unsure of the path you want to take? All you need is the right
resources and information to get started. If you’re passionate about the
health and fitness industry, lead a healthy life and are looking to inspire
others to adopt a similar lifestyle; consider the benefits of becoming
a personal trainer. The key to becoming successful in this competitive
industry is having passion for what you do. When you’re passionate
about health, fitness and wellness, your clients will emulate that feeling
and improve their lifestyle through training.
When in the market for a new career path, one of the most appealing
and desirable aspects of working in the fitness industry is the constant
variety: new clients, new workout routines and numerous employment
opportunities in different environments and locales.
©2014 American Fitness Professionals & Associates Inc. | This document contains proprietary information and cannot be disclosed in whole or part without express written consent of AFPA Inc. ©2014.
afpa@afpafitness.com 1.800.494.7782 1601 Long Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 214, Ship Bottom NJ, 08008
Another benefit to a personal training career is the ability to focus
each day on helping clients meet their health and fitness goals. It’s also
an opportunity to help inspire others to adopt a positive lifestyle and
encourage them to shape an overall happier and healthier outlook on
Whether you’re a seasoned health and fitness enthusiast, or just
developing an interest, the ultimate goal is for you to pursue your
dream-job and inspire others in the process. We’ve put together the 10
Step Guide to Becoming a Personal Trainer to share basic tips you can
leverage during your path to success. This guide will help you to take
the proper steps needed in order to acquire a career in the health and
fitness industry.
Introduction (cont’d)
©2014 American Fitness Professionals & Associates Inc. | This document contains proprietary information and cannot be disclosed in whole or part without express written consent of AFPA Inc. ©2014.
afpa@afpafitness.com 1.800.494.7782 1601 Long Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 214, Ship Bottom NJ, 08008
Before you jump into anything, it’s important to decide what you would like to
accomplish by becoming a certified professional. Maybe you’re looking to make
a difference in other peoples lives, or maybe you’re just eager to transition
your healthy lifestyle into a career.
Whatever your goal or objective,
you must have what it takes:
• Are you passionate about a
career in fitness? Successful
trainers love what they do and
inspire others to feel more
positive towards adopting a
healthy and physically active
lifestyle. Their passion is clear
1. Establish Your Goals and Objectives
©2014 American Fitness Professionals & Associates Inc. | This document contains proprietary information and cannot be disclosed in whole or part without express written consent of AFPA Inc. ©2014.
afpa@afpafitness.com 1.800.494.7782 1601 Long Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 214, Ship Bottom NJ, 08008
to their clients because they follow their own advice and are constantly
improving their own lifestyle through education and challenging physical
activities. Your clients will often look up to you for guidance, so it’s important
that you lead by example. Since you’re encouraging your clients to adopt a
healthy, well-balanced lifestyle, it’s important that you are motivating them
through your own positive
• Are you motivated? Now that
you have determined whether or
not you’re passionate about the
industry; is your motivation clear?
This means a couple of different
things when it comes to having a
successful career.
©2014 American Fitness Professionals & Associates Inc. | This document contains proprietary information and cannot be disclosed in whole or part without express written consent of AFPA Inc. ©2014.
afpa@afpafitness.com 1.800.494.7782 1601 Long Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 214, Ship Bottom NJ, 08008
1) Although you want to pay close attention to what your clients can and can’t
handle during a session, it’s your responsibility to motivate them and help
them to understand that this is something they can achieve.
2) Circling back to the first bullet, if you are looking to lead by example, it’s
important that you’re in your best possible physical and mental state. This will
give your clients something to envision for themselves and help them to keep
on track.
Regardless of your goal or objective, it’s essential that you’re passionate,
motivated and lead by example; in order for your clients and potential prospects
to feel confident in your training.
©2014 American Fitness Professionals & Associates Inc. | This document contains proprietary information and cannot be disclosed in whole or part without express written consent of AFPA Inc. ©2014.
afpa@afpafitness.com 1.800.494.7782 1601 Long Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 214, Ship Bottom NJ, 08008
One of the best ways to
immerse yourself into the
health and fitness industry
is to experience it first-hand.
This is a perfect opportunity
for you to see what you would
personally want to get out of
a personal trainer and what
you would expect out of each
session. Is the trainer effective
or ineffective with their training
approach? This is your chance
to critique their training and
use it to improve your own techniques in the future.
Since every personal trainer has their own style of training, start thinking
about how you can develop authenticity with your training approach. While
2. Consider Hiring Your Own Personal Trainer
©2014 American Fitness Professionals & Associates Inc. | This document contains proprietary information and cannot be disclosed in whole or part without express written consent of AFPA Inc. ©2014.
afpa@afpafitness.com 1.800.494.7782 1601 Long Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 214, Ship Bottom NJ, 08008
some trainers have a more authoritative approach, others have a more
compassionate, gentle approach. It’s all about finding your own training style
and approach; while ensuring that it works for your clientele. If you can master a
variety of different training techniques, you’ll have the opportunity to work with
a range of different clients; which will ultimately lead to a much larger clientelebase.
Developing a professional relationship with your trainer, as well as other
employees at the gym can be beneficial to your career. This will establish future
credibility and help you to build long-term relationships with skilled trainers and
potential prospects.
If you have connections in the industry you can contact them for a potential job
opportunity once you have acquired your certification and gained experience in
the field (which we will explore a little later in this guide).
©2014 American Fitness Professionals & Associates Inc. | This document contains proprietary information and cannot be disclosed in whole or part without express written consent of AFPA Inc. ©2014.
afpa@afpafitness.com 1.800.494.7782 1601 Long Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 214, Ship Bottom NJ, 08008
When you pursue a career at a fitness center or a gym you will most likely be
required to be certified. But you may have one lingering question; how do you
get a personal trainer certification? There are a number of different ways you
can acquire your certification, but one important thing to consider is to only
look into associations that have third part accreditation. This ensures that their
certification process is recognized and respected among the fitness community.
Obtaining your professional
certification requires time and
dedication to the program. What
certification is right for you? From
post-rehabilitation training to a
sports condition specialist; there
are a number of different options
to having a career as a certified
personal trainer. As you select a
certification program it’s important to
3. Get Certified
©2014 American Fitness Professionals & Associates Inc. | This document contains proprietary information and cannot be disclosed in whole or part without express written consent of AFPA Inc. ©2014.
afpa@afpafitness.com 1.800.494.7782 1601 Long Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 214, Ship Bottom NJ, 08008
have your goals and objectives in mind.
Are you looking to train athletes through sports conditioning? Maybe you’re
interested in working with children? Having well-established goals and objectives
will help you to focus more closely on courses that are aligned with your
interests and where you want to be once you become certified.
©2014 American Fitness Professionals & Associates Inc. | This document contains proprietary information and cannot be disclosed in whole or part without express written consent of AFPA Inc. ©2014.
afpa@afpafitness.com 1.800.494.7782 1601 Long Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 214, Ship Bottom NJ, 08008
Once you have successfully received
your certification, it’s time to get out
there and market yourself! At this
point in the process you have put
a lot of hard work into receiving a
substantial amount of education and
your certification; so it’s important to
take the time to create a well-crafted
resume and put your name out there.
Just like any other profession, preparing
a resume that highlights your objective,
experience and education is essential to landing a well-respected job.
When developing your resume, there are several different components you
want to consider and shouldn’t miss. If you’re in the early stages and haven’t
had much experience in the industry try and think about your previous places
of employment.
4. Prepare a Résumé
©2014 American Fitness Professionals & Associates Inc. | This document contains proprietary information and cannot be disclosed in whole or part without express written consent of AFPA Inc. ©2014.
afpa@afpafitness.com 1.800.494.7782 1601 Long Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 214, Ship Bottom NJ, 08008
One of the best ways to distribute
your resume while putting a face
to the name is introducing yourself
personally at local gyms. Since many
people will associate your personality
and passion for how well you will do
at their establishment, this is your
opportunity to prove that you would
be a great addition to their team.
Ultimately, a personal trainer is their own best marketer and will have a better
“selling” point once they are actually training a client. However, just like any other
profession, preparing a resume that highlights your objective, experience and
education is essential to landing a respected job.
©2014 American Fitness Professionals & Associates Inc. | This document contains proprietary information and cannot be disclosed in whole or part without express written consent of AFPA Inc. ©2014.
afpa@afpafitness.com 1.800.494.7782 1601 Long Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 214, Ship Bottom NJ, 08008
When you make the effort to meet
and develop relationships with
everyone at the gym you’ll gain
many opportunities that you could
have missed if you didn’t expand
your horizons.
Always view every employee or
guest of the gym you’re attending as
a potential opportunity to get your
name out there. It’s a great way for
you to shape a positive reputation and for others to think of your name when
they meet someone who is interested in training with a certified professional.
Since employees and guests at the gym facility are interacting with people all day
long they most likely have a wide range of connections and face many different
interactions throughout the day.
5. Develop Relationships
©2014 American Fitness Professionals & Associates Inc. | This document contains proprietary information and cannot be disclosed in whole or part without express written consent of AFPA Inc. ©2014.
afpa@afpafitness.com 1.800.494.7782 1601 Long Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 214, Ship Bottom NJ, 08008
With that in mind, if someone
interested in training asks a front
desk associate or someone they
meet at the gym, you’ll likely be
someone they think of. Since you’re
already passionate about personal
training, getting your name out to
others by networking will feel almost
5. Develop Relationships
©2014 American Fitness Professionals & Associates Inc. | This document contains proprietary information and cannot be disclosed in whole or part without express written consent of AFPA Inc. ©2014.
afpa@afpafitness.com 1.800.494.7782 1601 Long Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 214, Ship Bottom NJ, 08008
Personal training is a competitive market; one way that you can stand out from
the competition is to focus on your specialty and decide if it may be beneficial to
acquire multiple certifications. For example, instead of having one certification,
such as personal training, there are options to specialize in a more niche
market. Although the focus is still on personal training you can gain several
different specialized certifications; which will ultimately allow you to expand your
market and gain a wide range of different clients.
6. Find the Best Fit
©2014 American Fitness Professionals & Associates Inc. | This document contains proprietary information and cannot be disclosed in whole or part without express written consent of AFPA Inc. ©2014.
afpa@afpafitness.com 1.800.494.7782 1601 Long Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 214, Ship Bottom NJ, 08008
Personal Training Certifications Include:
• Personal Trainer
• Advanced Personal Trainer
• Master Personal Trainer
• Strength Trainer
• Sports Conditioning Specialist
• Senior Fitness
• Post-Rehab
• Children’s Fitness Specialist
...Just to name a few.
©2014 American Fitness Professionals & Associates Inc. | This document contains proprietary information and cannot be disclosed in whole or part without express written consent of AFPA Inc. ©2014.
afpa@afpafitness.com 1.800.494.7782 1601 Long Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 214, Ship Bottom NJ, 08008
The consultation can be just as important as the physical aspect of training.
This job responsibility is a lot like a first impression; you’ll meet your client or
someone who may still need some convincing and in order to build your client
list and keep them committed. You will need to prove that you’re dedicated to
meeting their goals.
Here are a few tips for becoming a master at the consultation:
• Confirm every consultation: Your potential client is investing time, money and
a commitment with you, so it’s important that you confirm their consultation
prior to the first meeting. This will help to give some personality to your
name, increase the likelihood that they will commit to the consultation and
get them excited about meeting you and beginning their fitness journey.
• Break the ice: The first couple interactions you have with your client can be
intimidating for them so try and think of a couple of different ways you can
ease them into training. One of the best ways to make them feel more at
7. Master the Consultation
©2014 American Fitness Professionals & Associates Inc. | This document contains proprietary information and cannot be disclosed in whole or part without express written consent of AFPA Inc. ©2014.
afpa@afpafitness.com 1.800.494.7782 1601 Long Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 214, Ship Bottom NJ, 08008
ease is by sharing your own personal gains from training. Did you once lead
an unhealthy lifestyle? Were you overweight? Sharing how you overcame
these obstacles can make them feel more motivated and confident that
you’re here to help them meet their own personal goals.
• Ask the right questions: The
consultation is intended to get
an idea about their health and
exercise history, their goals and
objectives for training and their
nutritional habits. Getting this
type of information will help
you to understand what type of
workouts would help them meet
their goals and what their body
can and can’t handle.
©2014 American Fitness Professionals & Associates Inc. | This document contains proprietary information and cannot be disclosed in whole or part without express written consent of AFPA Inc. ©2014.
afpa@afpafitness.com 1.800.494.7782 1601 Long Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 214, Ship Bottom NJ, 08008
• Put on your game face: Acting as if you’re already their trainer in a subtle way
can be one of your best selling points. Reassure them that you’re both in this
together, refer to them as “your client,” and let them know that you are going
to put together a personalized fitness program that will be tailored to meet
their specific goals. By doing this you will make them feel more confident in
their decision to train with you.
Taking these steps are essential if you want to “close the deal,” build a
relationship, understand their goals and gain more clientele.
©2014 American Fitness Professionals & Associates Inc. | This document contains proprietary information and cannot be disclosed in whole or part without express written consent of AFPA Inc. ©2014.
afpa@afpafitness.com 1.800.494.7782 1601 Long Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 214, Ship Bottom NJ, 08008
If you’re new to the health and fitness industry, don’t worry about building your
presence right away. Start by focusing on one step at a time and your career will
begin to grow from there. Just like you, we share a passion for the health and
fitness industry and the benefits to inspiring others through personal training.
We offer a number of different certification programs that are aligned with your
goals and objectives; ultimately helping you gain a competitive advantage in the
At AFPA we share your passion! We bring you the most advanced, innovative
and rewarding certification programs; with a specialized focus on delivering
the education you need to be successful! Our globally recognized, accredited
programs have certified over 65,000 professionals nationally and internationally
since 1994. If you’re interested in learning more about our programs, contacts
us today!
1601 Long Beach Blvd.
P. O. Box 214
Ship Bottom NJ, 01748
Toll Free: 1.800.494.7782
Local: 1.609.978.7583
Fax: 1.609.978.7582
Email: afpa@afpafitness.com
©2014 American Fitness Professionals & Associates Inc. | This document contains proprietary information and cannot be disclosed in whole or part without express written consent of AFPA Inc. ©2014.
afpa@afpafitness.com 1.800.494.7782 1601 Long Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 214, Ship Bottom NJ, 08008